

Educating Children 



Providers incorporate strategies to meet individual and group goals within weekly lesson plans. Providers implement well-organized learning environments with developmentally, linguistically & culturally appropriate schedules, lesson plans, & indoor/outdoor learning experiences. Adequate opportunities for choice, play, exploration, & experimentation among a variety of learning, sensory, & motor experiences are provided. The program is inclusive of children with special needs.

Regulations & Policy

HS Performance Standard 1302.30 - 1302.35 & State Title 5 Section 18273

Providers participating in the FCCHEN and EHS CCP programs provide high-quality early education and child development services that promote children’s cognitive, social, and emotional growth for later success in school, inclusive of serving children with disabilities. 




Complete age-appropriate DRDP for each child enrolled in the program 

Complete for each child within 60 calendar days of the child's enrollment in the program

Completed at least once every 6 months thereafter

For EHS CCP children, in addition to the above, a mid-point is completed



The Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) is a formative assessment instrument used to inform instruction and program development.

The DRDP is made up of eight domains that each focus on the acquisition of knowledge, skills, or behaviors that reflect each domain’s developmental constructs.

Before collecting assessment evidence, learn how to use the DRDP assessment instrument by clicking on the links below:



Since the DRDP focuses on the child's behavior, knowledge and skills; the first step is to capture a child's behavior through incorporating observation in natural settings.

Observations are completed and maintained in a paper portfolio OR an electronic child portfolio called Learning Genie.

Note: Parents receive a DRDP Questionnaire each month that may be incorporated into the observations. 

Rate the Measures

Based on the supporting observation records, the provider, in collaboration with the Specialist will determine the latest developmental level for each measure the child has mastered & mark it appropriately on the paper OR electronic rating record. 


Use Assessment Data for Goal Planning

Based on the results, DRDP outcomes are linked to individual, group and program level planning:

  • Individual Child: At the parent/specialist conference, the results are shared. In collaboration with the parent, goals and strategies to support the child are established for both the family and FCCH environment.

  • Family Child Care Home: Provider and Specialist will develop strategies based on DRDP group data. One School Readiness Goal will be selected to focus on from the SCOE SR Goals for intentional group planning at the FCCH level.

  • Program: After the last collection, DRDP data will be analyzed at the program and age group level. Data is used to develop an educational goal for the following program year.

Weekly Activity Planning

Providers incorporate strategies to meet individual and group goals within weekly lesson plans.

Providers implement well-organized learning environments with developmentally appropriate schedules, lesson plans, and indoor and outdoor learning experiences. Children are provided adequate opportunities for choice, play, exploration, and experimentation among a variety of learning, sensory, and motor experiences. 



Lesson Plan Templates:

  1. Open Lesson Plan Template

  2. Download & Save to Your Computer

  3. Complete Lesson Plan for Week

  4. Click on Save

  5. Print & Post

  6. Click-On SUBMIT Button to Send to SCOE

Weekly Lesson Plan (Eng & Span)


Companion Tools

These companion tools support providers with setting-up their environment & activity planning

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School Readiness Plan

Guides efforts leading to positive child outcomes. Providers incorporate School Readiness Goals & Objectives into their group activity planning.

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Providers are fully supported by Specialists to ensure EHS CCP children with disabilities receive program services delivered in the least restrictive possible environment.

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Dual Language Learners

Children who are Dual Language Learners acquire two or more languages at the same time, as well as learn a second language while continuing to develop their first language. 

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Infant/Toddler Learning Foundations

Describe how children develop and what they learn, and are designed to illuminate the competencies that infants and toddlers need for later success in school.

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Infant/Toddler Curriculum Framework

Supports early childhood educators working in programs serving children birth to three years of age in implementing high-quality curriculum practices.

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Preschool Learning Foundations

Describes competencies—knowledge and skills—that most children can be expected to exhibit in a program as they complete their first or second year of preschool.

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Preschool Curriculum Frameworks

Present strategies for early childhood educators that enrich learning and development opportunities for all of California’s preschool children.